Dirty Grandpa Full Movie - Right before his wedding, an uptight guy is tricked into driving his grandfather, a perverted former Army general, to Florida for spring break.
Director: Dan Mazer
Writer: John Phillips (screenplay)
Stars: Robert De Niro, Zac Efron, Zoey Deutch
Storyline Dirty Grandpa
Right before his wedding, an uptight guy is tricked into driving his grandfather, a perverted former Army general, to Florida for spring break.
User Reviews
Nowadays people seem to be running out of ideas for making comedy movies. I had a little hope given the cast, but it was nothing special.
How many times have we seen the same elements in movies? Having second thoughts after getting engaged to a controlling fiancée, a grandpa who just lost his wife, taking a road trip, meeting an old acquaintance, a shady drug dealer, having a drug and alcohol filled night with shameful acts, two (supposedly) funny cops, unnecessary expletives and bad puns, the list just goes on.
The performances were not stellar either. The movie was pretty forgetful and not funny (a few chuckle worthy moments but that's about it). It's a shame really, that an actor like Robert De Niro is choosing such movies.
User Reviews
Nowadays people seem to be running out of ideas for making comedy movies. I had a little hope given the cast, but it was nothing special.
How many times have we seen the same elements in movies? Having second thoughts after getting engaged to a controlling fiancée, a grandpa who just lost his wife, taking a road trip, meeting an old acquaintance, a shady drug dealer, having a drug and alcohol filled night with shameful acts, two (supposedly) funny cops, unnecessary expletives and bad puns, the list just goes on.
The performances were not stellar either. The movie was pretty forgetful and not funny (a few chuckle worthy moments but that's about it). It's a shame really, that an actor like Robert De Niro is choosing such movies.
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